January 6, 2024
Psalms 121:1 - 2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth
Happy New Year! As we approach another year, I’m sure you like me have asked yourself what now? I usually don’t make so called ‘new year’s resolutions,’ rather I just evaluate my life and seek to make changes one step at a time. Even in difficult situations I still try to persevere. Have you ever felt completely helpless? When an adverse situation enters our lives at times there is nothing, we can do to change it. Often, we will not even attempt to approach a solution because the end result screams failure. It is during these times when we want to throw in the towel, cease from fighting, and quit plan and simple. Although we know all things work together for the good for them who are the called according to God’s purpose Romans 8:28. We still linger in the realm of fear, doubt, and unbelief. We know that the answers we seek are found in God. However, the enemy places stumbling blocks, bridges, and walls in our lives to kept us from reaching our deliverance. So, we are often left feeling helpless and afraid. It is second nature for us to reach out to others in our times of need. We look to the left, and then to the right and many times we cannot find anyone to help us. When we have exhausted all our means then we look up to God. One day we will learn to look up first! God is our refuge and our strength a very a very present help in the time of trouble Psalms 46:1. He has the solutions to every problem that we face. We seem to share this truth with others, but when it is time for us to embrace this truth, we do not take heed. A beautiful awareness that we must embrace is that we do not have to fight the battle alone. We must believe that the battle is not ours, it’s the Lords. It is time for us to exercise our faith in God and stop wondering how He will work it out. But we must praise Him during the trial because our faith teaches us that He will work it out! It is at these times when we feel the most helpless that God will intervene and show Himself strong and mighty in our lives. This year let’s exercise a new approach. Let’s form a habit not to look to others to mend our broken hearts, especially when others have broken pieces that they need God to heal. I have discovered on several occasions that looking to others only adds more frustration when we realize they do not have the answers that we seek. So when we are faced with trials and we feel so helpless, bypass the middleman, and go straight to the source… Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith Hebrews 12:2!
