Edifying You
edifying expressions
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Publisher: Vantage Pr (May 30, 2004)
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This book was written during a very difficult time in my life. My husband and I were dealing with tremendous pain of losing two loved ones in the same week. Not just any loved one but his brother on a Tuesday, and his mother on Thursday, just 2 days later. During this time my husband was consumed with grief. I did not know how to help him although I wanted desperately to console him. I prayed and asked God what to do and God instructed me to be "quiet".. I further pleaded that I was hurting too. I could not touch my husband where he was hurting. God instructed me to write. For months I would write poetry as it flowered from me like a fountain of water. Edifying Expressions is a collection of poetry that will inspire you when you face difficult challenges. Whether it is the death of a loved one, a bad day on the job, a temptation you must endure, painful relationships, church situations, or broken fellowship with God. We must believe at all times that God loves us and He cares about what happens in our lives. Through this work I convey God's love and compassion towards His creation. Sometimes, when we go through our trials it seems like we are alone and that no one cares. Sometimes we grow weary in well doing, sometimes we yield to temptations and sometimes we are weak... but if we can reach beyond where we are and realize that God is in total control of our lives then "I can make it" won't be another cliche. This collection of poetry will uplift you, but most of all you will be able to relate to my life shaping experiences.